The Power of the Letter

In this electronic age, it's easier to dash off a quick email then to go through the process of writing and sending a letter.

However, sending a letter can be a powerful ally for your business or organization.

I recently received a brochure for an art tour in the mail. The brochure was very well done and contained lots of information, however there was no letter accompanying it.

Without the letter, it felt very impersonal, despite the fact that I knew the sender very well. If even a short note had been attached, it would have changed the meaning of the package entirely.

A letter (and a personalized one at that) makes people feel important and recognized. And that will generate more business.

Despite the rise of online giving, direct mail is still the primary way that organizations receive donations. Having a well drafted letter that clearly conveys your message will ensure that more people will donate to your cause.

Sending letters is not only for non-profits but for businesses as well. Personalized letters can turn one-time clients into multi-year clients. The gesture will make them feel appreciated.

Letter Writing Tips

  • Be clear and succinct. Don't bog down your message in semantics.

  • Don't make your letter too long. You want people to read the letter in it's entirety.

  • Have a strong message. Think about what you are trying convey in the letter and then make sure it resonates throughout the entire piece.

  • Make your letter stand out. These days, people get a lot of mail whether it's bills or advertisements. Be creative in getting your letter noticed.

  • Ensure that your spelling and grammar is correct. Spelling and grammar mistakes make your letter look unprofessional. Also ensure that you have spelled the client's name correctly and are addressing them in the appropriate manner.


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