There's no point planning for a huge direct mail campaign or a shiny flash website if you don't have the budget or the time for it.
When putting your communication plan together, you need to answer the following questions:
- What are you trying to convey?
- Who's your audience?
- What's the best way of reaching them?
Let's start with the first:
What are you trying to convey?
This can be the most difficult to determine and one of the first things you should do. If you can not clearly and concisely state your position or your cause, then you cannot be expected to have clients and donors understand where you are coming from.
Often, I've heard members of charities wax poetic about their cause, but when asked pointedly why someone should donate, they stumble. Know what message you are trying to convey and make it simple.
Who's your audience?
Who are you trying to reach? Answering everybody isn't good enough. It's important to segment your audience; determine who has the most potential. They are the people you want to communicate to.
What's the best way of reaching them?
This is an important question. Although you may not specifically know the dislikes and likes of everyone on your client list, take the time to think about what would work. Have a group of tech savvy people? Try an email blast as a way of getting their attention.
Answering these questions will undoubtedly help you develop your communications plan better.
And remember, Keep It Simple.
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